sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014

How I miss New Paltz!!! but more important... I miss so much my International Family...

It suppose that today I wanted to write about zodiac signs characteristics, but the thing is that today it has been made 2 years since I went to New Paltz and I met my second family. My International family. there are some many people that I have around the world, even in New York I have very important people for me. But today it is bitter because they all know how I miss them and it is nice and happy to know that thanks to Social Media I have the opportunity to connect and know about their lifes.
I keep all of stories in my memory but like we say in Spain "una imagen vale más que mil palabras", I really want you to know that there are no day, since I haven´t time for looking the pics and I remember every of these moments.
I miss you a lot!!